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Rhyming Poetery Section

I Ride tides 'round the earth like he follows the moon when its full,
Why lie I found White lies can sound wonderfull,
just wisen up or get hurt by horrible truth.
The splendor is endless I'd like to spend it with you
33 Howls from the grave to bless her reign is most the way through.
you about remember bill billions forever,
im the confusing genius staying richer than you,
thank heaven and nature for eveything i made to come true
amazing that this fucking guy doesnt get it yet,
if I sleep outside better believe we're having a banquet
you Couldnt make it one night in the wilderness, bitch
cuz the first minute of weather youre dying under a blanket
my boooks continuously updating the profits we automate the process
when i start to drive the hard cascade of styles the Users CSharp
enough to start command serving function,
my Sick heart grows by the gigs that im in
it just like computer code or am i the grinch
i thought i told you im a mixture of a angry gndalf and earcle
try beeefing and learn
im the m.c.-murdering-rhyme-slayer,
hooks composed of magic words,
with my hieroglyph letters im casually cursing the world,
nine levels of hell i already mapped the course of your doom.
shine light in the darkness for you again i want three things in return:
keep on your toes, behold and be a whitness
when my timing and brilliance both combine
the illumination lights up bright enough
to only be rivaled by zeus' with his bolts of thunder and lighning.
you know where i be but you not sure where i'm living at
im at the ritz violating rules in fact ive noticed
these days lately i overhear them saying
he's so skilled and amazing, well,
thats basically what my game is
pay attention to the rules i morally break,
and when i choose to obey.
carving the least resistant path
i see the sheep want me back,
i guess to heard a sheppard so easilly i was born to lead
weather or not i choose to be is irellevant
after the ashes burn down to the floor,
as im leaving you bastards
you're ass kissing for more i went and took a
long inward journey coring to the center of the human
advnture a wizard told me we're
all lonely consumers of pleasure
im learning now and im realizing
all that we've been through its simple to see
why whores were the first thing our species
invented its answered. consumers of pleasure
two can take up the rest of the room fast
especially if they aint even using the mattress
her eyes belie her fashion and tell when shes coming soon
and faster than you think a way to end the persuasion
but actually its kinda like a cage or trap
we just call it the pussy the past,
im through with it, i alreaty lost an eye
but found two in the process,tell he doctor to quit it,or pay me
that is unless, of course you're more awake you seem
similtaniously walking the 3 paths of a warrior,
other than that dont' lecture me or
anyone else i keep in my family roster,
becuse i can tell you fora fact we read
a hell of a lot more books than your library offers
address your bitch as your majesty graphically,
compared to your rhymes, her snaplchat posts escape gravity falls,
we all get it going faaster than light be going in-in a circle
, kinda like my writing I use that inertia to launch me
out my seat and now im traveling back in time to the 90s and first thing,
imma see if i can watch my favorite RE-runs of earcle.
go on the air for the first time new ones.
The weak type of guy is defined by
the reason he chooses to stay that way
But not ryan he’s hardly alive
hes died a thousand deaths
and He’s still getting by
in spite of his terrible eyesight
he sees life's divinity when he takes the stage.
bought the ticket and took the ride and he's stuck in his ways
in the stairs and escalators in my mind,
im alive channeling the ony thing i can belive ain't a lie
is mine cuz each individual hads their time on this earth
and then its right back to the skys and realxing, no work
yeah its nice for a while untill the boredom of
too easily hum drum living never learning
on a whim it begins to get old,
expected and kinda like a want to get high so we dive
back and limit your self so you can enjoy a ride
then you die again.

somethings alive in my third eye they're attacking
my brain placing the old beliefs in the trunk of my space ship
and im flying away Dying to say Confusion`
ill leave you with several contusions
and your crutches rub the abrasions and wounds
till the bruises pulsing black and blue and you’re fully consumed by anger

Blunt force trauma like 90 mile-an-hour
bottle of booze I run through the crew full of losers and mutants And which one are you?
‘cause the truth is, the music and Mathematics
both fused with a emtions and bad habbits.
Your impotent imagination manifests as failed creations,
Am I a god or just the son of satan?
Initiation in to hyperspace is eminent soon
it doesn’t matter im working every moment
twards us Busting out the firmament faster.

No i Dont need master,
espacially one thans never even phathomed
the actual spirit has answers
your aura can easilly inflate and pop
you sould stop,
those around you see your
soul is being woudned by mindless ventures of plasure.
i'm immune to the rhetoric and pointless confusion,
your girl told me she believes the lines full
of bullshit and stupid solutions
that'll never let you get ahead of it.
The usual suspects are'nt always the ones using some fuses as shoestrings.
All this weight on my shoulders has got me Sweating profusely.
I Come over showing you
lessons to keep awakening this journalistic anguish
thats filled out on every page of my loose leaf
So open your eyes and let the truth speak
youd think i was writing a movie
the way my rhymes move you in ways more entertaining
than the lame vivid dreams of the life that you seek.

Cant complain with that schooling you had
Gimme two weeks to learn it
you said but id rather nap instead
Bill Billions is up on top
stepping over you fools
for confusing the rantings and the sentiment.
I grab my pen When we try to keep evil defenceless
i leverage the deamons using leads that I freeed
from the evident breath of wilderness
Whats heard depends on your will so be wise and see it for what it is
this is what divides the shepherd from the sheep
When Pressed for Eternal time, we press on a dime
and arrive moving nowhere when we stepping over these lines
we brighter than you can prepare prepair
try not to stop we moving alive when
the high tides come in.
The skys vibes are raising as we radiate the light within.
Here to take my life back I trried once and ill try angan
you clowns keep on raiding the lockers,
imma slaughter her and fuck her daughter till she's
walking around my house wearing my underwear
and shes blissuflly unaware and wondering
where she can check for me supposely sentimentally.
I cant help but notice you wandering behind as we hop in the ride
and imma tear out of here
take a drive or a flight, might wind up
at the martian sky i know how you love a good scandal
so come a little closer and didnt notice my hand grab the handle
nice and quick like a commando around
kick her out and say bye.
then i come back rich with a tarp and a stick
cuz im using it inside specifically to hold up the ritz.
Go back years later maybe in november reliving a needless
time when im watching tv
pbs guy named bill nye,
im getting high with him at the crib
and hes blowing my mind while shes blowing these guys
It's no woories about girlys and such its B-Killions i got billions of sperm in my nuts.
litterally, come fuck me, I need more drugs
so round up the kids like you give a fuck
figureatively cuz girl you know youre a slut.
meet me in Salt Lake City utah at the church,
on the back of your block.
ill bust on your back, FACE and THIRD In your BUTT.
Thats true Fuck you, for me its something great to spoil.
you can tell by the way im spillin ink on this plate amd making it boil

EAT to SPOILs im chillin keeping the pace with my beats
this is for my LATE BOTHERS we live infinate live Lives forever
IVE BEEN JESUS AND a sinner while similtaniously
runnning the humand race I
see time clearly leanring form a 4th perspective
and i gotta leave the heard behind to fend for themselves
when you heard i was leaving i had you with adain
with those contusuions i was talking about
in the last verse, meanwhile
imma be dead cruisin around in my coffin anaware, of
any worries, foot on the gas and time to spare,
I light a flare to the skyline 'cause im the only one there
I cant bare another second on the edge,
time to step,
My lifes fueled by the overwhelming regret,
that fills my soul every time
I allow myself to forget. or resent.
Toiling over the lines throughout infiniate lives
i believe these pointless endevors
i like are recently to as for me recenly i decided
start tring to take my time and completion

one night i was ambushed
by gome guys trynna scare a G,
i atttacked them just fast enough to avoid seeing
the back of a toyota fleeing the scene
and hap-hazardly crashed
into my last usual stash spot
taking advantage of the distraction
i casually went back to the mansion
where everyone was supprised to see
turns out that they set me up and
they didnt know I had all the cash in the attic.